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Document Request
Feel free to fill out the form below and request
regulatory, technical or other documents.
Document Request Submission Form
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Requested Document/s (Hold Shift/Command key to select multiple documents)
Animal Derivatives
Asbestos Analysis
California Proposition 65
CONEG Heavy Metals
Food Contact Certificate
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) Declaration
REACH Substances of Very High Concern Declaration
Trace Element Analysis
KTW-BWGL Paragraph 5.4.2 Filler Requirements
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) Declaration
EU (94 62 EC)
ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
ISO 45001: Occupational health and Safety Management Systems
Shelf-life Declaration
Harmonised Tariff Code (H.S Code)
Product Information Sheet (PIS)
Safety Data Sheet (e-SDS)
Shelf Life of Treated JorCal® Calcium Carbonate
Shelf Life of Omyamax® Calcium Carbonate
Shelf Life of JorCal - X Series Calcium Carbonate
Product/s (Hold Shift/Command key to select multiple products)
JorCal® - 250
JorCal® - 130
JorCal® - 200
JorCal® - 250I
JorCal® - 15
JorCal® - 15X
JorCal® - SL
JorCal® - SX
JorCal® - 6JL
JorCal® - 8JL
JorCal® - 8X
JorCal® - 7JL
JorCal® - 2JL
JorCal® - 2JLX
JorCal® - 1JL
JorCal® - 2F
JorCal® - HX
JorCal® - HXA
JorCal® - SF
JorCal® - G16
JorCal® - UltraCoat
JorCal® - UltraSheen
JorCal® - UFP
JorCal® - UF
JorCal® - 2JLT
JorCal® - 1JLT
JorCal® - 2FT
JorCal® - HXT
JorCal® - SFT
JorCal® - UFT
JorCal® - XT
JorCal® - 2BT
JorCal® - 1BT
JorCal® - BFT
JorCal® - BFT Ultra
JorCal® - TT
Grani - 0.5 - 1.5
Grani - 0.35 - 0.75
Grani - 2 - 4
Grani - 1 - 3
Filtracarb® 2 - 4 - ZE
Omyafilm® 722 - ZE
Omyafilm® 916 - ZE
Omyamax® 92 - ZE
Omyamax 91® - ZE
Omyacoat® 850 - ZE
Calcigloss® - ZE
MattCal® - F
MattCal® - UF
JorCal® - 5X
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Jordan Carbonate Company, 15 Abdulwahab Al Majali Street, Amman 11118, Jordan